Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Green eyed monster

So recently I felt kinda envious of my friend. She has something I don't have and really want to have. As I was chewing these thoughts and plotting in my little brain, I heard a voicc ask me; Do you really want what she has? Are you willing to go through all she has been through? Will you exchange your life for hers? I replied "actually I just want that single thing without the strings attached". No,if you really want what she has you have to go through what she has been through. I kinda get it. The grass is not always greener on the other side.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Dear Diary, Why is my adult life getting harder each day? Take for instance the fact that I can't just smile at the lady in the seat beside me and become her best friend. That is how I became buddies with Grace. Why can't I brush past the neighbor downstairs and next thing I know our kids are running everywhere playing. What has changed? Even my so called Facebook, twitter, BBM friends seem fake? Why? Am I missing something?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kinda Back

Hey Public Diary,
I am so sorry i have been away for so long.
I know i promised to love you and keep you company till death do us part but forgive me, Life Happened.
Work, Kids, Wifely duties, Sibling duties, Friendly duties bla bla bla.... and i kinda forgot about you.
But be ye of good cheer i have remembered you my lost love.
Though i promise you nothing lest i betray you like last time, i hope to give you higher priority in my life.
So there you have it.

In the time i was busy forgetting you, i bore children, became a dedicated employee and most recently moved continents.
I understand that this is a lot of information to process so i will give you time and let you chew on this.
Talk soon.
Keep improving.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Size them up!

Everyday i make a conscious effort to be more observant and hopefully while i am at it, learn something new.So as i was in the observance mode, it suddenly dawned on me that all humanity strives to achieve is some form of competition. I have nicer clothes, i am more intelligent, i am on a higher spiritual level ( don't ask me how you measure that, but someone once told someone i know that he was more spiritual than him), better house and the list goes on and on.
Can we just take a deep breath and pretend we are all on the same level? I guess not. I am personally guilty of this, its not like i go out of my way to compete but somehow since i was little, i never liked the idea of having the same things with other people.By the time i was old enough to buy some of my clothes, i would tour the market shops for hours and if i did not find that single item i would resort to bend down select( you rarely rarely find two of the same items).
It wasn't just me, most of my friends are like that.
I think i have gone past that, now when i see you and i think you are classy i quickly assess you from head to toe.Knowing the names of designers doesn't help either because all i do is categorize you.
Well, as i have come to know, there is more to a person than the  type of clothes they wear, and cars they drive, some people can afford the luxuries of life, but have other things on their minds, some cannot but go out of their way and into other people's pocket to up their style.
So next time you meet someone,seek to know more than the designer of their shoes.

Ms Modification.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Being Me

Hey Bloggers,
How often do you find a blogger that forgets the title of her blog? Not very often right. Well that’s me.
I started blogging two weeks ago and after one very lazy post, I forgot the title of my blog or how to even find the page.
Accepted, i am not tech. savvy and I make it an effort to avoid confusing stuff so when i tried to recall all the possible names and came up with nothing, I sucked it up and started a new blog (big smile).Then i found the old blog. Don't ask me how...

Anyway moving forward i will write out the name of my blog and stick it on my fridge or save it on my phone. Better still, I will be more committed!
Hugs and Kisses
Ms Modification

Friday, October 22, 2010

My First Post

I have always loved to write, not professionaly or for public scrutiny but i love to keep a journal.
This blog will be solely for documenting the subtle and not so subtle lessons i learn as each day passes.
Let me forewarn you. Do not expect any artistic piece. I have neither the finesse nor the time. Typos and grammatical errors you may see from time to time. If you bring it to my attention, i will humbly correct it and move on. So lets get this ball rolling!!!!!!